Managing Risks Effectively

We are continually improving our prudent risk management framework and integrating efficient online and offline practices to mitigate identified and anticipated risks. This safeguards our business in critical times.

Risk Management Framework

Our Board oversees the Risk Management Committee, frames and reviews risk management processes and controls.

We have a comprehensive system of risk management and internal controls, whose objective is to ensure that various risks are identified, measured, and mitigated, and also that policies, procedures and standards are established to address these risks.

Our risk management system features a ‘three lines of defence’ approach:

The first line of defence:

This comprises our operational departments, which assume primary responsibility for their own risks and operate within the limits stipulated in various policies approved by the Board or by committees constituted by the Board.

The second line of defence:

This comprises specialised departments such as risk management and compliance. They employ specialised methods to identify and assess risks faced by the operational departments, and provide these departments with specialised risk management tools and methods; facilitate and monitor the implementation of effective risk management practices; develop monitoring tools for risk management, internal control and compliance; report risk-related information; and promote the adoption of appropriate risk prevention measures.

The third line of defence:

This comprises the Internal Audit department and External Audit functions. They monitor and conduct periodic evaluations of the risk management, internal control and compliance activities to ensure the adequacy of risk controls and appropriate risk governance.

Top emerging risksCOVID-19 risk

The onset of COVID-19 in India triggered significant sell-off in the market and resulted in investors becoming wary of the future. At such times, risk management becomes extremely critical. Our proactive and real-time risk management, backed by the best available technology and prudent risk management framework helped us tide over the market volatility without any material impact. We entered into risk-mitigation mode in March 2020 and systematically reduced exposure to products like MTF and ESOP. We also took a cautious approach with respect to our offerings of margin-based products.

The external environment has experienced rapid transformation in terms of the range of products and their modes of delivery. Additionally, the markets have seen unprecedented volatility in the recent past due to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. These conditions underline the need for a robust strategic framework for risk management to ensure sustainable value creation and value protection for you.

Ripujit Chaudhuri

Head, Risk Management, ICICI Securities

Risk and mitigation